Hang on lads. You’ve lost me. Film Guff? What’s that?
Out there are thousands of film-related podcasts covering the new, the now, and the shiny. Leave them to it, says Film Guff!
Our hosts Ali Cornwall and Cevin Moore on the other hand, are quite happy to rummage around the bargain basements of long forgotten favourites. Don’t worry; we’ll still cover the new and shiny every now and again.
Join the Guffians and the occasional guest on their hunt for diamonds in the dirt, but don’t expect to walk away with a degree in film studies from it…
What’s “guffians?”
#Guffians is Nick’s brilliant take on Ruffians. Together we’re taking over the podcast world!
Who are these gentlemen known as Guffians?
Both Ali and Cev cut their podcasting teeth hosting Lapsed Gamer Radio. With similar tastes in movies, they hit it off from the start. After talking about it for a while, the stars aligned and they created Film Guff in 2017.
They knew they’d struck gold when they discovered a large collection of films they hadn’t seen, from films that Cev wouldn’t look twice at to “classics” from before Ali was born.
In August 2018 Nick Jones turned the Film Guff duo into a trio! He met Ali and Cev as a guest on Lapsed Gamer Radio and has been a fan of the show from day one. Nick adds a completely different element to the show, sometimes managing to see 10 films in one week!

Ali “Corn Wolf” Cornwall
Co-Founder, Producer, Artist, Tech Guy, Co-Host
Movies and video games have always been competing passions of mine. Since a young age I’ve watched as many films as I could. Some of my fondest memories are watching Predator, which scared the shit out of me, or 12 Monkeys, though I didn’t have a clue what was going on at the time. To this day I surprise myself by how much I retain from a film I’ve only watched once. It annoys me if I can’t recall what film a line is from or what I have seen someone else in before.
Outside of films, I paint miniature models and play tabletop games. I have a YouTube channel where I play a lot of racing games and review games and various gaming tech. I am also part of the Codec Moments Podcast.
Twitter: @corn_wolf
Letterboxd: Corn Wolf
YouTube: Corn Wolf
Other Podcasts: Codec Moments

Cev Moore
Co-Founder, Producer, Editor, Music, Co-Host
I’m a self confessed movie geek. Like Ali, I’ll give anything a go, but my movie home lies with the weird, the horror and the hilarious.
I was lucky to have a nan and a dad who both loved movies, albeit polar opposites: her “Harvey” to his “Electra Glide In Blue”, her “Way Out West” to his “Dressed To Kill”. It’s not hard to see why I can watch a movie from this week and then go to one that’s over a hundred years old and love both equally.
Outside of movies and podcasting, I’m a musician and father (both to equally varying degrees of success), occasional rubbish video gamer and the world’s biggest fan of Port. Any one of the above could be the death of me.
Twitter: @Cevni
Letterboxd: Cevni
Other Podcasts: @AmicusHere

Nick Jones
Voracious devourer of movies, games, music, comic books, podcasts.
I’m a brash American with an inherent understanding of nuance. Apparently gang affiliated, #Juggalo for life.
Inventor of the #Guffians hashtag.
Twitter @Laneit360