Wait, what? A new Mortal Kombat film? What is this, the 90’s? Nope, wake up, it’s 2021 and we have a new Mortal Kombat film due out and it’s rated R (18+) which is music to our ears. We’re all fans here at Film Guff of the Mortal Kombat IP in some shape or form. I remember playing the game as a youngster but I don’t think it was when it was first released because I was only 7, I’ll leave this to Cev and Nick who were a lot older than me at the time, and I’ve still not caught them up.

The film that was released in 1995 was of it’s time and it went with a PG-13 which didn’t sit right with a lot of fans given the graphic nature of the source material. I’ve yet to watch it, but Nick loves the recent animated Mortal Kombat: Scorpion’s Revenge so much that it made his end of year list, so I must catch up on that.
With films such as Deadpool doing really well as R rated films and many others catering for the grownups and bringing the R back to the mainstream Warners are taking off the gloves for the new film, check the trailer out below:
I am loving the trailer, it’s bringing some old school martial arts movies back and with a higher budget some of the moves look amazing. We will have to see what the plot and script is like but with these kinds of films they are all about the action and I am in. Enough from me, what do the rest of the team have to say about it?

What does Nick think?
“The film looks dope, I was excited before watching the Red Band trailer but now I just want it. Can’t wait for it to drop on HBO Max”

What about Cev?
“As a rule, I don’t really do trailers but this looks like great, gruesome fun. Other than regularly getting my ass handed to me by my friends, I have a limited knowledge of the Mortal Kombat Universe, but as a gore hound, I’ll be watching it. Let’s hope they follow it up with MK v DC”
We are keen to know what you think, add your comments below. Mortal Kombat is due for release on 19th April 2021 where you can watch it in theatres and HBO Max where it’s included in with you sub where you have access to HBO Max.